Monday, January 31, 2011

Astro Hitz Yuna DiInspirasikan oleh DiGi

“Yuna” is a name many of us find almost synonymous to the flourishing Malaysian music industry, and we’re sure there are many Yuna fans amongst you DiGi Angels out there!

A lot of us have probably hummed along to Yuna’s hit singles such as “Deeper Conversation” and “Dan Sebenarnya”, and would jump at the chance to see Yuna in person, right? Well, here’s your chance to do so!

DiGi is giving away 4 passes to the launch of Astro Hitz Yuna Inspired Powered by DiGi! Details of the event are as below:

Date: 26 January 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
Venue: Spasso Milano, Jalan Ampang

Wanna be part of Yuna’s press conference? All you have to do is compose a Facebook status update saying, “Gimme more Yuna with Astro Hitz Yuna Inspired Powered by Digi!” and submit the permalink of the status update using the form below:

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